DAYUMM!!! I want someone to tell Dwight Howards baby mama that once your azz is a mother wtf business do you have entering a booty shaking competition?? Bitch go sit your azz down somewhere NO WONDER that man keeps yo raggedy azz in court! And for some damn raggedy azz basketball tickets..smh bitch you burnt
I mean okay she is a mother but what about the othe million of mothers doing their thing. Just cause you have a child doesn't mean ur life stops. The children don't and won't know everything. Stop thinking on a one road path there other things to question. Go ask your mother about some shit she did when u were her Im sure she isn't a saint either
ReplyDeletemmhmmm honey today is 2010..we are in the age of the INTERNET, what folks did in the dark stayed in the dark back in the day. Now kids just need to Google and your life pops up in less than .5 seconds. Kids did not ask to be born so we as parents decided to birth these children and be responsible and set a positive example. Watching your mother shake her azz for some tickets is not the business. PERIOD. That shit all over the net now and it will be forever...living a full life I'm sorry last I checked that shit didn't include stuff like that but HEY to each it's own!....If you wanna party and *live* great lol...do it before you have children...because once a man or female has a kid we owe it to them to do what's right. To live and carry ourselves in respectful and honorable ways...anything else is selfish. We can still go out and have a good time and that doesn't have to include jumping on a damn stage and ending up on the internet....